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bankrupt estate
破产财产 破产财团 破产者的全部资产  detail>>
bankrupt’s estate
破产者财产  detail>>
administrator in a bankrupt estate
诉讼管理人破产管理财产人  detail>>
creditor in a bankrupt estate
破产债权人  detail>>
creditor of a bankrupt estate
破产债权人  detail>>
creditors of a bankrupt estate
破产债权人  detail>>
 n.  1.破产者,无力偿还债务者。 2.丧失(名誉、智力等)的人。  短语和例子   a moral ba...  detail>>
bankrupt in
完全缺乏  detail>>
bankrupt of
完全缺乏  detail>>
 n.  1.财产;遗产;房地产。 2.〔古语〕身分,地位;家产。 3.生活状况;等级;集团;情况,状态。 4.财产权,所有权。 ...  detail>>
estate at will
随意处分不动产  detail>>
adjudged bankrupt
被裁定破产 评定印花税额手续费 评估契据费 破产宣告  detail>>
adjudicated bankrupt
被判定破产 裁定破产人  detail>>
bankrupt account
破产帐  detail>>
bankrupt director
破产董事长  detail>>
bankrupt landlord
破产地主, 没落地主  detail>>
bankrupt law
破产法  detail>>
bankrupt stock
因破产而拍卖的货物 因破产而折卖的货物  detail>>